Cantonese May Seen Fellowship

Cantonese May Seen Fellowship

Cantonese May Seen Group is a fellowship formed by Cantonese speaking Christians and friends from Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Vietnam, and other parts of the world. We tremendously appreciate, and are happy, that God has given us the opportunity to know each other in Maryland, U.S.A. An important commonality among us is a love for God and the sharing of our love and care. At the same time, we are a dynamic group full of creativity.

We meet on the fourth Saturday of each month from noon to 3 pm. In the monthly gatherings, we sing hymns, study the Bible, and share our thoughts. In addition, our brothers and sisters often share delicious dishes that they make. Most importantly, there are also wonderful testimonies in the gatherings. We especially welcome any non-believers to join our large family. Furthermore, we hold Sunday school from 1:00 to 2:00 PM every Bible Study, in which we study Biblical passages with prior preparations.

Date Fellowship Presentation Audio file
11/21/2021 May Seen Fellowship Click to view presentation Play Audio